Monday, October 09, 2006

La Nuit Blanche

So after I came back from Bruxelles it was La Nuit Blanche (the white night). It is kind of like a city wide festival where there are art exhibitions open everywhere and monuments, museums, cafes, and metros stay open from 7pm to 7am. I was so stoked about it. The first place I went was Centre Pompidou where they were playing short films in a film festival outside on a projector. There were GANGS of people in the streets. Apparently this night is known all around europe and was adopted by a bunch of other cities like bruxelles. I went to Notre Dame and they erected a huge screen and showed a documentry on the history of the cathedral over the alter. It was surreal. Watching a movie INSIDE Notre Dame. Anywho. To make a long story short, my feet started to hurt, I was tired, and it was cold so i headed home. Right as I was about to turn onto my street, my night drastically changed.

A guy approached me in saying that he saw that i was alone and proposed, if i wasnt too tired, to walk with him along the Seine River. I ended up staying out with him until 4am. We walked all the way from my house past Notre Dame which is a good distance. We talked about everything from what we are studying to what we want in our lives. It was so refreshing to meet a guy who wasnt trying to come with wack ass lines. He had respect and was intelligent. Who woulda thought though? Just before I went back home someone just approached me. Like the Jamie Cullum song says, what a difference a day makes. We walked along the seine and he taught me stuff about french culture and i taught him english words. Nothing like that has ever happened to me and i have never felt so comfortable meeting guys as i am here. theyre different in the sense that they dont approach me trying to spit game. all the guys ive met have been that way. i love it. i feel so at ease. The whole situation with this guy felt very movie-esque from how he approached me to how we ended up talking for hours walking along the seine and sitting in front of notre dame. He was really cool and i dont see it turning into more but i definetely slept that night with a smile on my face knowing that i finally am happy. im finally surrounded by an environment that i love and the relations between sexes works so much better here. its not so full of games. if you like someone you go and talk to them. thats how it is here. no games or gray. just really happy. :)


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