Monday, October 09, 2006


So my roomate, Chelsea, and I spontaneously decideded to take a trip to Brussels, Belgium since we had a week of vacances. We took the THALYS train there and it only took 1hr 20mins. I love that I can just up and go to a completely other country. We left Thursday afternoon and came back Saturday in time for La Nuit Blanche which litterally means the white night. It's an event in Paris where everything stays open from 7pm to 7am including museums, cafes, metros, and monuments.
So we got there thursday night and spent that night with Ashley's friends that she made when she was there last summer for an internship. Met this kid who was the most gorgeous guy I had ever seen. Basically melted when he walked in the door. That night we had Durum which is this turkish speality. It was the closest thing to a burrito that we are gonna find in Europe. We stayed with her friend Julie who truly is so nice. She gave us her place to stay while she stayed at her BFs. All of Ashley's friends came over and we drank wine. Found out that in Brussels they smoke bud mixed with tabacco. Figured that out the hard way. It was fun. Had the best wine Ive ever had..Argentinien. Had a tunisien guy tell me he loved me haha.

Friday we went downtown to Ashley's old work and met somemore of her old coweorkers. Then we had an infamous "gauffre belge" which is a REAL belgian waffle. It really is all its cracked up to be. I'm gonna miss the food man. Of course we shopped down this famous street called Rue Neuve. We also the famous fountain "Mannekin Pis" which is of a little boy peeing and on holidays they dress him up and he pees beer. Hilarious. We saw the grand square which was pretty amazing. The architecture was incredible. It went along with a story about the man who killed himslef from the top of the city hall because he realized at the end of construction that the building was lopsided.I spent a lot of time immitating the flemish language there. You guys know me I cant help immitating stuff! After shopping we went back to Julies and got ready to go out that night. Hung out with that hot ass guy later too. He told me i looked like this gorgeous singer on tv and I was SO flattered haha. We spent that night wandering around downtown till the wee hours with Ashley's good guy friends. Went to a venue where it was amateur night with a exhibition of rockabilly photos in one room. Pretty dope.
Saturday we had a short tour of some more touristy sites as well as go to a chocolaterie because of course I couldnt go to belgium without buying some chocolate. We also the friend of Mannekin Pis which was a fountain of a girl peeing which is pretty vulgar. We ate one last gauffre belge and durum and headed to the station. stopped to have a drink then headed back to Paris. The ppl there drink beer no matter what time of time. I had a blast there and am definetely going back. Ashley's friends are awesome.
The photo album that goes along with this should follow the blog
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by kimmyduEw


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